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The Authentication Forum 2018 |
A Leadership summit on Anti-Counterfeiting and
Brand protection was organized by ASPA-‘The Authentication Forum 2018’ on March
15-16 at Hotel Taj Mahal N.Delhi.
The fight against fakes was joined in by major stakeholders and was inaugurated by
Shri Suresh Prabhu, Hon’ble Union Cabinet
Minister, Ministry of Commerce and Industry,
Government of India.
Mr. Ajay Aggarwal-V.P, Mr. Arunesh Bansal-Hon.
General Secretary, Mr. Ashish Gupta- Hon. Treasurer and Ms. Priyanka
Rathi-Exe. Secretary, ALPS attended the conference to extend the support
from team ALPS for the cause.
Mr. Ranesh Bajaj, Executive Member ALPS &
Director, VINSAK was the eminent speaker & panelist during the
Counterfeiting is a devil which haunt
industries globally and has become an unwelcomed resident in almost all
the sectors. It is sucking out 2% of our GDP annually.
Today, anti-counterfeiting measures and brand
protection is an imperative need of an hour. No matter how big or small
your business is , this counterfeiting - devil will surely not play any favors.
If it smells profit, it will definitely come for you, leaving you with no
choice but to invest in securing your products and packaging. This will also help brand owners to protect consumers who are on the front line
of receiving the maximum damage.
During the two days conference varied issues
were discussed relating to the Role of Govt. & Industry to fight
against fake products, Consumer Protection, The 5W’s of Counterfeiting, How to
engage consumers in the fight against counterfeiting, The authentication
solutions & technologies available , Future of anti-counterfeiting
technologies, Branding-‘Value, Protection & Enforcement’ and
The active discussions & presentations
raised many concerns, issues and left the industry decision makers thinking
is fueling the unabated growth of counterfeiting.
To win this major fight against FAKES, RAIDS
is no solution. It may give you temporary relief or subside the
effects of counterfeiting burns but if industry is looking for long term
redressal then Consumer Empowerment & Sensitization, Effective Anti
Counterfeiting majors employing multiple digital solutions
imbibed with Paper & Hologram, 3D Micro Optical labels and futuristic technologies like
BlockChain, NFC-based techniques, Optical chips and more need to be
Brands need to understand there is no shortcut
to employing effective intelligence gathering techniques to nab
counterfeiters and to consciously monitor their own supply chain cycle to find
the pilferage to curb it. For Programme Speaker's Visit
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